Paris Adventure

“They say that when good Americans die they go to Paris”.                         Oscar Wilde

Officially it was Paris fashion week, but putting that aside, it's six days in Paris.  Always wanted to see Paris but never got there, despite having spent four days in the city for work and seeing only the airport and a meeting room.  (commentary from John of course)

So greatly looked forward to this, and although not the greatest city I’ve ever known, I have not left disappointed.  Paris had the sophisticated elegance, the joie de ‘Viva’, I hoped to find.  And that was cool by me.

Also introduced Viva to the John O’ traditional route march on the first day of every trip.  She soon apologised for whatever she had done to result in such a punishment?  So I guess I might have to cut that down in the future!

Dining on French food in Paris is simply the most perfect thing to do.  It only seems to work that well in Paris however.  Like drinking Ouzo outside of Greece.  But within Paris; divine.

Well done to Happy on yet another magnificent show with seemingly effortless professionalism.  The world is now your oyster.

My Paris phantasm finished with Viva taking me to the front row of the Moulin Rouge!  But I shall tactically “plead the fifth” on that one.

As Audrey Hepburn said, “Paris is always a good idea”.


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